It seems like we have been working so hard and keeping ourselves busy with a list full of things to do to our home, yet only small changes are noticeable. Time has flown by and the most recent stint on school holidays has come and gone. My hubby and I have been busy in the gardens, both front and back, stripping them both down to nothing. The front has been replanted but will take a few years to properly establish... Like they say everything takes time and I am one impatient lady! Ha. Never the less we have made it through most of the hard work and we are almost ready to sit back and watch it all grow. Here are some latest snaps of the happenings at Miller Street!
Big thanks to my brother for doing this great paving job for us out the front. Of course it wouldn't have happened without the relentless hard work and help from my hubby either so big kisses to him too. #ryanrebbeckpavingandfencing.
Looking forward to finishing things off before we get started on the internal works. Excited it's all coming together!